KÜBO Kids children entertainment

All Kübokids beware! In summer there will be a very special entertainment programme for our little guests in the Baltic family holiday. The Tourismus, Freizeit & Kultur GmbH has put together with the Hamburg agency Kidsevent a children's programme, which takes place during the summer holidays in many different places in Kühlungsborn. 

For the smaller children is pirate day, with the eye flap, skull tattoo and a gory scar on an exciting treasure hunt, the children tinkering their own Indian jewellery and get a decent war painting before going to the bear hunt on the beach, everything.

For the larger children it will be a bit more demanding. Armed with smartphone and digital camera, the children go to a QR code rally and need to solve different tasks or make on the beach a beach competition with various competitions. So it is for everyone and also the parents come at their expense.

The children's entertainment is performed by children's professionals from Kidsevent, who are entertainers and contact persons at the same time. In addition, on two to three evenings, a disco for children is planned in the concert garden, where all children are cordially invited.
