Hanseatic City Rostock

A real university town

[Translate to englisch:] Hansestadt Rostock

Even after nearly 800 years of city history, the venerable Hanseatic and university City of Rostock has lost none of its original charm. Strolling through the city centre with its brick facades, numerous shops and cafes, you can watch the hustle and bustle of the streets in peace.

The St. Petri Church describes the city of the town's founding and also offers a fantastic view of the old town, Warnow and City harbour from the tower. In the Church of St. Mary you can marvel at a mysterious astronomical clock from the year 1472.

Every year on the second weekend of August, the traditional Hanse sail attracts more than a million guests, large and traditional sailors from all over the world. Further events can be found in the event calendar Rostock.

And for those who do not think about culture and shopping, the Rostock Zoo offers numerous attractions all year round.


Universitätsplatz 6 (Barocksaal)
18055 Rostock
Tel.: 0381 381-2222
E-Mail: touristinfo@rostock.de

[Translate to englisch:] Sehenswürdigkeiten & Highlights

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