Units of border guards in Kühlungsborn

The 6th border Company had its barracks in the Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 14 and was in charge of the patrol service. The company had six movable searchlights, a dog squadron and the observation towers from Rerik to Warnemünde. The barracks was converted into a senior residence in 2004.

The 9th TBK (Technical Observation Company) and the 5th gab (Border Training Battalion) were located at the West beach of Kühlungsborn (Rieden). The 9th Tbk sought with electronic means of the sea for refugees and ships.

Memorial and Museum

27 Border towers of the type BT11 were from 1971 to 1990 along the Baltic coast of the former GDR. The BT11 served the observation of the maritime border to the outside and the detection of "Republic refugees" who wanted to leave the GDR via the Baltic Sea. 

The BT11 is right on the seafront. It was restored by the Association of the Baltic Border Tower e.V. and opened for visitors as a museum. At the tower is informed about the border system and flight fates. In the new museum pavilion there are escape boats and an exhibition to visit. This museum was built in 2012 with generous support of the State of MV and Kühlungsborn.